
Chiropractic Adjustments and Their Role in Posture Correction

While we all know our moms and teachers were right about standing up straight, many of us fail to understand just how important good posture really is. Proper posture is not only good for our self-image and our confidence, but it also helps keep our organs healthy, reduces back pain and stiffness, improves breathing and digestion, and can even slow the aging process. If you’re struggling to maintain good posture, a chiropractor can help. They are trained in identifying musculoskeletal problems, including spinal misalignment and poor posture, and work to correct them with a range of chiropractic techniques.

In addition to strengthening the weak muscles that cause bad posture, a chiropractor will also help you reduce the tension in these overworked muscles. They can do this through deliberate exercises, stretches and muscle relaxation routines that you can incorporate into your daily life. This will not only ease the tension that causes the poor posture, but it will also allow your weaker muscles to grow stronger, fixing the problem for good.

During an adjustment, your chiropractor will apply manual pressure to the joint to restore movement and relieve any friction between the bones of the spine. If you’ve ever cracked your knuckles, you might have heard a popping sound when doing so. This is because the mechanical thrust causes an expansion of the synovial fluid in the joint, resulting in a release of gas. When your chiropractor applies a similar thrust to the spine, it produces a similar sound. This is because the joint expands, causing a release of tension and allowing the bones to shift into place.

Another way a chiropractor can assist with good posture is by realigning the spine. When the spine is misaligned, it interrupts nerve function. This can lead to a variety of symptoms, from spinal pain and stiffness to a loss of flexibility and a decrease in lung capacity. By straightening the spine, it enables the nerves that control your lungs to function properly, improving lung capacity and reducing symptoms.

It’s not always easy to change the way you carry yourself, especially if you’ve had bad posture for a long time. However, a chiropractor can teach you how to better stand, sit and lie down. They will examine your posture, looking at how one shoulder may be higher than the other, if there’s a twisted pelvis or other issues with body symmetry. They will also check how you sleep and walk, to see if your bad posture is a result of those activities or simply the way you do them.

If you want to improve your posture and decrease stress levels, visit a chiropractor in Atlanta. They’ll set you up with a routine of exercises, morning stretches and muscle relaxation to make sure your overworked muscles get a break and that your weaker, more underused muscles can grow stronger, fixing the posture problem for good.